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2012-03-24 15:21:50 老师:teacher021

   如何正确理解和确切使用动词词组(v.+ prep. /adv.)在不同场合下的意义呢?这是学习英语的人难免遇到的棘手问题。一个动词词组是一个新的、单独的语言单位和概念,其意义已不同于组成这个词组的各个单词的总和,并且同一词组还可以具有多种意义。以look up为例动词look的愿意为眼睛动作的“视”或“看”,副词up的原意为“向上面”,但两者相结合成look up这一动词词组后,就可能有一下几种意义:
1.raise one’s eyes     抬头看,望眼看
   I was buried in my book, when I looked up, he had gone.
2.Improve, get better   好起来,看好
   Business is looking up these days.
3.try to find information about    寻找……资料(信息)
   Look up the word in a dictionary.
4.pay a call on; visit     拜访,探访
   Look me up the next time when you are in town.
   由此可见,这种“v. + prep./adv.”动词词组虽由常用简单词汇搭配合成,却同样能表达较复杂词汇和词组所表示的意义。因此,它在日常英语中极为广泛和活跃,是学习地道英语,特别是英语口语的重要内容。
   本书总收640个义项,以小品词(介词/副词)为中心归列内容,例如:以out为中心的其中一组就包括:drop out(撤退),get out(离开) give out(耗掉)leave out(除掉)pass out(失去知觉),through out(丢弃掉)等,各词组之间的涵义具有一定的相关含义,即都含有出自副词out(“分离”或“离开”)的意思。读者通过领会并实践这些小品词的含义,即使不查字典,也可根据上下文,推论或大致领悟出某一动词词组的意义。
1.	本书选用的例句,体现日常生活内容,面广而词汇常用,因而比较实用,有利读者扩大英语词汇量,有助于开展日常会话。
2.	本书较多地采用了美国文章中的例句,使读者了解美国的某些风俗人情。
3.	每一词条均有相应的英语动词(或词组)注释和中文译义。鉴于例句比较简单,又为节省篇幅起见,例句的中文译义一律从略。
4.	各组例句均配有相应的填词练习,使读者有加深理解的机会。书后附有全部练习的答案。
5.	词条中凡插有“+”号者,表示该词组不可分。如:
        bring out                 (可分)
        bring + about             (不可分)
        get across                (可分)
        run + across              (不可分)
6.“v. + prep. /adv.”也可构成相应的复合名词或复合形容词。这类常用词汇作为附录,列于书后,以供参考。

Meaning 1 表示“开始”“着手”(getting started)等意义
a. bring + about——cause                             引起
The heavy rains brought about the flood.
b. care + about—— take interest in                      关心
  She does not care about him in the least.
c. come + about —— happen                           发生
  How did it com about that you lost the job?
d. go + about—— proceed                             进行,着手
If you go about it in the right way , you’ll soon get it finished.
e. see + about——attend to                             处理
  We don’t know what the matter is yet , but we’ll see about it.
f. set + about—— begin                                开始
  You’d better set about your doing homework now , or it will be late.
Exercise 1
1.	After dinner and a nap , I___ studying.
2.	I must___ my work or I shall get behind my schedule.
3.	Who is going to___ getting us a large room for the big class.
4.	Until that day I liked my neighbour. Now I can’t stand him . Let me tell you what ___ my change in attitude.
5.	Too ofen it ___ that one tells a white lie to avoid unpleasantness only to learn that honesty is the best policy. 
6.	A selfish person does not ___ other people’s problems.

 Meaning 2 表示“周围”(all round)“在各方面”(on every side)的等意义

a. cast + about——search anxiously                      寻觅,寻找
  He often casts about for an opportunity of helping his neighbours.
b. get + about——circulate                             流传,传开
  The news soon got about.
c. go + about——circulate                              流传,传开
  The story is going about that the say has been caught.
d. hang + about——remain idle                          闲荡
e. knock + about——wander                            流浪
  He knocked about the world a great deal.
f. look + about——look in all directions                   环视
  Look about you carefully when you cross a busy street.
g. move + about——move continually                     走动,搬来搬去
  I can here somebody moving about up-stairs.
h. see + about——consider                              思考
  We can’t give you an answer now, but we’ll see about it later.
i. think + about——think of, consider                      考虑,想到
  Can you think about a good place to spend the holidays?
Exercise 2
1.	A rumour is ___ that Dean Smith David-son is going to resign.
2.	I’m sorry, I wasn’t listening. I was ___ something else.
3.	I want to ___ to see who might be able to help us.
4.	After finishing high school, some boys like to___	for a year or two.
5.	The police ___ for fresh evidence.
6.	Many small animals are ___ in the bushes.
7.	I wanted to tell you the things that have to be __ .
8.	The library hasn’t opened yet , so I have to ___ here.
9.	Words has been ___ that you have taken another job. Are you really leaving or is it just a rumour.

Meaning 1   表示“通过,穿过”(passing through)“向(到)另一边”(toward the other side)等意义
a . come + across —— meet or find  unexpectedly            路遇,偶然发现
  I came across several interesting facts about“flying saucers”in that book.
b. come + across—— be understood                        被理解
  The meaning of this story doesn’t come across.
c. get + across —— offend                                得罪,使生气
  They used to be good friends, but they are now getting across each other.
d. get across —— make understandable                      使他人理解
  I can’t seem to get my message across.  
e. get + across —— cross a road (water)                      穿越道路(或河流)
f. put + across —— communicate successfully                 使接受……  的想法
  Advertisements are intended to put across the best qualities of the product to the public.
g. put across —— fulfil successfully                         做成,完成
  The manager put the business deal across in record time.
h. run + across —— encounter by chance                     偶然碰上,不期而遇
  I ran across some useful quotations which you may like to know about.
i. run + across —— move through quickly                     跑过,飞快穿越
  Tell the children not to run across the road. Wait until it’s safe and then calmly walk across.
j. see across —— escort                                    护送
  As my sister is not used to heavy traffic, I’ll see her across to the post office.
Exercise 3
1.	The classroom demonstrations ___ the major principle of the lecture. A picture is worth a thousand words.
2.	Please ___ grandmother ___ the street.
3.	As I was taking out some papers from the cupboard. I ___ an envelope with my grandfather’s picture in it.
4.	The bridge was so well guarded that it was impossible to ___.
5.	While looking through my class motes, I ___ a letter I thought I had lost.
6.	Tom ___ the boss, who made life very difficult for him.
7.	The Mother scolded her five-year-old saying, “Next time you ___ the street like that, you’ll get hit by a car!”
8.	He spoke for a long time, but what he said didn’t ___ at all.
9.	Our teacher is good at ___ her knowledge to the students, so we all like her very much.
10.	They thought the young man would fail through inexperience, but he managed to ___ it ___. ___

around 和 round意义相同。在美国英语中,较多用around,但在口语中,两次往往混用。

Meaning 1 表示“循环”(circulating)“围绕”(encircling)等意义
a . come + around —— regain consciousness                     苏醒,复苏
  The girl fainted , but she came around when we threw drops of water on her face.
b. get + around —— spread                                  传开,散步
  Stories have been getting around concerning the officials bribes from a foreign businessman.
c. go + around —— be sufficient for everyone			         分到每人
  So many people came to the party that there were not enough sandwiches to go around.
d. look + around —— see in all directions                       环视
  The stranger looked around him at the wonderful new sights.
e. shift + around —— cause to face another way                  转向
  Please help me to shift the bookshelf around.
f. show around —— take someone to visit                       带领参观
  The Dean will show the foreign guests around the campus himself.
g. turn + around —— move to face the other way                 转过身来
  He turned around to find a person eying him suspiciously.
Exercise 4
1.	Since morning, the wind has ___.
2.	Before the exam, the questions ___ to some of the students, and this wasn’t fair.
3.	We hardly had time to ___ us before we had to continue our journey.
4.	I heard a voice I know, ___, I saw my long-lost brother.
5.	The accident victim was in a coma for six hours, and then he ___. 
6.	They were taken to the garden and ___.
7.	.Put another cup of water in the soup or there might not be enough to ___.

Meaning 2   表示“从事”(engaging)“参与”(involving)某项活动的意义
a. fool + around —— spend the time doing nothing useful       浪费时光,无所事事
  We criticized him severely for fooling around during working hours.
b. get + around —— evade, escape from                     逃避
  Some people try to get around the tax laws.
c. go + around —— associate                              交往
  I don’t like the idea of my son going around with those rough boys.
d. hang + around —— remain idling in a place                (在某处)徘徊
  There was a crowd hanging around the theatre, hoping to get some spare tickets.
e. kick around —— abuse                                  粗暴对待,虐待
He was in such a temper that he started kicking around the little boy.
f. mess + around —— spend time lazily                       闲混
What have you been doing today? Oh, nothing, just messing around.
g . push around —— order about —— order around              使唤,驱使
  Stop pushing me around; I’m quite able to make my own decision.
Exercise 5
1.	I ___ the gate for an hour, but he didn’t come.
2.	I wasn’t doing anything special that evening, just ___ in my room.
3.	It’s wrong of you to ___ the regulation.
4.	Before the American Civil War, the black slaves were cruelly ___ by the plantation owners.
5.	It was time to stop ___ and start studying.
6.	I won’t be ___ by him any longer.
7.	Though they have been ___ together for two years now, they still haven’t decided whether to marry or not.

Meaning 1 表示“以……资格、身份”(in the capacity or character of)“以……形式”(in the form of)及含有“看作为”(conveying 他和idea of“to be”)等意义
a. accept as —— believe what is claimed to be                   接受或同意(看法)
  This conclusion is finally accepted as true.
b. act + as —— fulfil the purpose of                            起……作用,充当
  A trained dog can act as a guide to a blind person.
c. choose as —— pick out to be                               挑选,选(择)为
  We chose this house as our office as soon as we find it.
d. classify as —— arranged in classes of                        把……分类为,列为
  In the library catalogue, Gulliver’s Travels is classified as fiction.
e. consider as —— regard as                                  看作为,把……当作
  Pattern practice is still considered as an essential feature oa language teaching and learning.
f. describe as —— say that sb. or sth. is                        描述为,把……说成是……
  He described the situation as “tragic” and “grave”.
g. elect as —— vote for someone to be                         选举某人为
  We elected Mr. Wu as deputy to the National People’s Congress.
h. regard as —— reckon as, count as                           把……看作为,视为……
  This room serves as their locker room.
i. serve as —— be suitable or useful for a purpose               用作为,起……作用
  This room serves as their locker room.
j. treat as —— behave towards someone as if he were sb.       把某人看成
  They treated us as their honoured guests.
Exercise 6
1.	Such people can be ___ well-to-do people.
2.	They ___ Mr. Timothy Edward ___ their Member of Parliament.
3.	___ a reservoir, the stomach regulates the admission of food to the gut.
4.	This fact will ___ an illustration to show the importance of education for the legal system.
5.	They ___ me ___ one of the family when I was with them for the weekend.
6.	We can’t ___ your statement ___ truth.
7.	He ___ himself ___ an executive manager; in fact, he is a clerk.
8.	The brain is ___ one of the most important organs influencing behaviors.
9.	We ___ Mr. Li ___ our group leader.
10.	Even by moden standards, the 46,000-ton Titanic can be ___ a large ship.

Meaning 1 表示“贮存”“保留”(reserve)“抛掉”(discard)和“留待后用”(save for later use)等意义
a. brush aside —— disregard                             漠视,不睬
  I didn’t except to be brushed aside like that.
b. lay + aside —— abandon                              放弃,抛掉
  He has laid aside the habit of smoking.
c. put aside —— save (money or time)                      省下(钱或时间)
  I have a little money put aside for a rainy day.
d. put aside —— place on one side                         放在一边
  He put aside his grief and went to work.
e. set aside —— reserve                                  保留
  Would you like me to set aside the rest of the food for you?
f. set aside —— place on , one side                         搁在一旁
Don’t try to set aside any issue, face it honestly and settle it.
g. step + aside ——  move from a position of authority
  They expected him to step aside and make way for a young man.
h. step + aside —— move to one side                       让在一旁
  Could you step aside to let this old man get trough?
Exercise 7
1.	I want you to ___ these useless illusions.
2.	I can’t spend everything I earn, I have to ___ money ___ for my trip back home.
3.	She ___ the book ___ for reading later.
4.	She ___ the magazine ___ when the telephone rang.
5.	I can’t pay this now, but if you ___ it ___ until next Saturday, I’ll come back and pay for it.
6.	I warned him not to take that course, but he ___ my advice.
7.	We were hoping that the old professor would ___ and let a young collegue teach one of his courses.
8.	Would you mind ___ to let the woman who is pregnant off the bus?

Meaning 1  表示动作“向着”“针对”(indicating motion towards)某方向、物体的具体意义
a. call + at —— visit a place                                    访问某地
  Do you think we should call at their office while we’re in Shanghai?
b. fire at —— send bullets at                                    向……射击
  He fired his gun at them. 
c. glare + at—— look at with anger                               瞪眼看
  Don’t glare at him like that, you deserved the scolding.
d. like + at—— watch                                         注视,看着
  I like to walk along a country road and look at the stars at night.
e. peep + at—— look secrectly                                  窥视,偷看
  It’s rude to peep at other people’s work.
f. shoot at—— direct with a gun at                               以……为射击目标
  This gun can shoot small stones at rabbits.
g. shout + at—— cry out loudly                                 大声喊(叫)
  You’ll have to shout at her, she can’t hear very well.
h. stare + at—— look at with fixed eyes                           凝视
  When I visited he big city for the first time, all I could do was stare at the tall buildings in wonder.
i. work + at—— engage                                        努力做,从事
  He is working at a difficult problem in mathematics.
Exercise 8
1.	They stood ___ each other, and then fought together.
2.	The soldiers ___ the house until the enemy came out.
3.	He ___ a rabbit but missed it.
4.	The boss ___ me all the time.
5.	You will have to ___ the weak points in your English if you want to pass the examination.
6.	She spent half an hour ___ her new neighbours from behind the curtains.
7.	The ship ___ several ports to pick up passengers before crossing the ocean.
8.	The teacher told us to ___ the blackboard and not at our books.
9.	Mary ___ her father in disbelief when he refused to give his approval to her marriage with John.

Meaning 2    表示动作所及的目标或对象(representing the object, used figuratively)
a. arrive + at—— reach, come to                                 到达,得出
  I arrive at the conclusion that he was really trustworthy.
b. drive + at—— suggest, mean                                  意指,目的在于
  What on earth are you driving at?
c. keep + at—— continue working at                              持续做(某事)
  The work is tiring but he’ll keep at it till he’s finished.
d. laugh + at—— treat as an object of fun                           取笑
  If you are fond of laughing at other people, you’ll certainly be laughed at by others.
e. look + at—— consider                                        考虑
  I couldn’t look at the offer at such a price as that.
f. look + at—— examine                                         检查
  My washing machine has broken; I must get someone to look at it.
g. mock + at—— make unkind remark about                         嘲笑,讥笑
  You are wrong to mock at his efforts, although they were bad.
h. play + at—— engage in sth. In a half-hearted way                   学着玩,取乐
  I don’t think he’s really learning carpentry, he’s only playing at it.
i. wonder + at—— be surprised by                                  对…… 感到诧异
  We wonder at what we saw.
Exercise 9 
1.	You mustn’t ___ unfortunate people, it is impolite.
2.	If you ___  learning a foreign language, you will eventually master it.
3.	He ___ his work in a different way now that he is in charge.
4.	Was the repairman really trying to finish the job or was he ___ it? 
5.	He had been talking for half an hour before anyone realize what he was ___.
6.	The customers came to ___ the goods that were on sale.
7.	At first the public ___ the modern painter’s works, but later they proved to be highly regarded and valued.
8.	After many hour’s talk, the committee ___ a decision.
9.	I don’t ___ her falling asleep in the middle of the play, it was a very uninteresting performance.

Meaning 1   表示“避免”(avoid)“摆脱”“逃脱”(succeed in escaping the consequence of)等意义
a. break + away from—— detach oneself                            摆脱
  Many developing countries have broken away from the rules of developed countries.
b. get + away—— escape                                         逃脱,逃避
  I tried to catch the cat, but it got away.
c. send + away—— cause to depart                                  送走,打发走
  She sent her son away for the summer vacation in the countryside.
d. smooth + away—— get rid of                                    除掉,摆脱
  They have smoothed away some of their differences.
e. stay + away(from) —— avoid                                    避免
  The doctor advised Frank to stay away from fattening foods.
Exercise 10
1.	He made efforts to ___ any difficulties that might prevent their plan from being followed.
2.	I ___ him ___ because I was tired of his idle chatter.
3.	During the prison riot, four convicts succeeded in ___.
4.	Television seems to have a great attractive effect on him. Once he starts watching TV,he finds it hard to ___ from it.
5.	He’d never have gotten into trouble if he’d taken my advice and ___ from badcompany.

Meaning 2      表示“离开”(leave)搬走,取走(romove)等意义
a. carry away—— remove                                      搬走,运走
  The wounded men were carried away from the battlefield.
b. go + away—— leave                                        离去
  How can we make the pigeons go away from our window sill?
c. run + away—— leave                                       跑掉,离开
  Don’t run away, I want to talk to you.
d. run + away(from) —— escape from                            逃离
  The boy said he would run away from home but he never did.
Exercise 11
1.	A soldier who ___ from his post in time of war is punished severely.
2.	Before the new furniture could be brought into the house, our old sofa had to be ___.
3.	The mother hit the boy and he ___.
4.	We waited for the stranger to ___.

Meaning 3      表示“除掉”(abolish)“消失”(disappear)“逐渐减少”(diminish)等意义
a. die + away—— diminish                                     逐渐减弱,停息下来
  The audience remained quiet as the music died away.
b. do + away with—— eliminate                                 消除,除掉
  We must do away with illiteracy.
c. go + away—— disappear                                     消失
  We hope our difficulties will soon go away.
d. pass + away—— depart, come to an end                         过去,消逝
  The pain was severe to begin with, but soon passed away.
e. pass + away—— die(euphemism)                              逝世(委婉说法)
  It is already ten years since Premier Zhou passed away, but he still lives on in our hearts.
Exercise 12
1.	I’m sorry to hear that your wife ___ last week. May she rest in peace.
2.	The doctor reassured me that If I followed his advice the discomfort will ___ in about five days.
3.	An objective of Women’s Liberartion Movement is to ___ with unfair discrimination against women.
4.	The sound of the car ___ in the distance.
5.	This cold spell will ___ before you know it. Time flies.

Meaning 4     表示“保留”(reserve)“储存”(put into storage)“使收到”(captivate)等意义
a. carry away—— fascinate                                     使陶醉,使吸引
  We were carried away by the beautiful music, we forgot all our troubles for a few minutes.
b. lay away—— reserve                                        保留,保存
  The factory laid away some money for welfare funds.
c. put away—— confine                                        关起来,禁闭
  She was acting so strangely that they finally put her away.
d. put away—— store                                          储藏,储存
  The correspondence was all put away in numbered files.
Exercise 13
1.	After the dishes have tried, ___ them ___ in the cupboard.
2.	The judge ___ the criminal ___ for ten years, so that he could do no harm.
3.	We must take care not to be ___ by our achievements.
4.	If you put 10 yuan deposit on the coat, we’ll ___ it ___ for you for ne week.

Meaning 5    表示“从……减去”(subtract from)“从某物中分离出来”(remove from being part of sth.)等意义
a. give + away—— donate                                      捐赠
He gave away a part of his income to his needy friends.
b. give + away—— reveal                                      泄露
  That remark gave away his real opinion on the matter.
c. rot + away—— decay                                        腐烂,腐蚀
  The wood of the stairs has rotted away in places, so be careful when you step on them.
d. take away—— subtract                                       减去,除去
  Take 15 away from 36, and what do you get?
e. throw away—— discard                                       丢弃,扔掉
  Don’t throw your bus ticket away, the inspector may want to see it.
Exercise 14
1.	The soil in the forest is rich with dead leaves that have been ___ for centuries.
2.	I’ll sort my clothes and ___ what I’m no longer able to wear.
3.	I added up all the money I’ll get this year, ___ my expenses and decided to look for a better-paying job.
4.	Can you give me another hint without ___ the answer?
5.	Do you want to have that old pair of shoes repaired or shall I ___ them ___?

Meaning 1      表示“朝后面”(toward the rear)“往后”(into the past)“趋于劣势”(toward an inferior condition)等意义
a. cut + back—— reduce                                      减少
  Inflation has caused us to cut back the number of courses we will offer this summer.
b. draw + back—— retreat, shrink                               退缩,收回
  The boy drew back from the dog when it barked at him.
c. fall + back—— take a position further back                      落下,后退
  Production has fallen back in the last few months, but price will never fall back.
d. go + back(on)—— fail to keep a promises                       失信,失约
  I was depending on him but he went back on me.
e. look + back(on) —— turn one’s thought to
  I looked back on my childhood with mixed feelings.
f. set back—— reverse                                       拨回,使回转
  The clock is not telling the right time. Please set its hands back ten minutes.
g. think + back(on)/(to)—— recall and remember sth. In the past      回想起
  The photographs made me think back to my college days at the university.
Exercise 15
1.	Daylight-saving time ends tonight,. Don’t forget to ___ the clock by one hour.
2.	He will not ___ from what he has promised.
3.	Hard as our life may be, someday we will ___ on our first days here with pleasure.
4.	I’m afraid the hall can’t hold so many people for one party. Can we ___ the guest list?
5.	Beyond the mouth of the river, the shore line ___ .
6.	If he promised to lend you the book, he will. He doesn’t ___ on his word.
7.	Yesterday I got a letter from an old friend, and I began to ___ on the good times we had together.

Meaning 2    表示“归还”“退回原处”“回复”等意义(return to the place from which it started)
a. bring back—— cause to return                                把……带胡来
  All library books must be brought back before June.
b. come + back—— return                                     回来,回到原处
Now, let’s come back to what I was saying a moment ago.
c. fight back—— return an attack                                回击,报复
  If he hit you, why didn’t you fight back?
d. get + back—— recover one’s lost thing                         找回,复得
  The foreign seaman got back the wallet he had lost.
e. get back—— receive in return                                收回,取回
  I lent him two hundred yuan, but I never got it back.
f. pay back—— return a kindness                               报答(人情)
  It’s high time he paid me back the favor I had done for him.
g. pay back—— avenge oneself                                对……进行报复
  We will pay them back for the trick they played on us.
h. send back——return something                              送回,退回
  The editor sent the manuscript back to the author without comment.
i. take back—— return something to the owner                    退货
  There’s something wrong with the heater. Under their guarantee, the dealers are obliged to take it back.
j. take back—— withdraw                                    收回,撤回
  I take back my unlike remarks, I see that they were not justified.
k. talk back—— reply rudely                                  顶嘴,回嘴
  Don’t talk back to your grandmother when she is giving you advice, you should be polite to your elders.
Exercise 16 
1.	We will resolutely ___ the enemy ___ if they dare attack.
2.	He suspected tht he got sacked because he once ___ to his boss.
3.	Today I must tolerate his rudeness, but some day I’ll ___ him ___.
4.	The TV set was defective, so we ___ it ___ to the store.
5.	You can’t ___ your youth once it is gone.
6.	When Mr. Smith ___ will you give him a message?
7.	If this coat doesn’t fit, may I ___ it ___ later?
8.	If you are not satisfied with your purchase, simply ___ it ___.
9.	I may trade in this set of Chinese stamps, depending on what I ___.
10.	You have been more than generous. How will I ever be able to ___ you ___?
11.	Your criticism of him was much too severe. Don’t you think you ought to ___ it ___?

Meaning 3    表示“阻碍前进”(prevent from moving/progressing)“妨碍进步”(impede from making progress)等意义
a. hold + back—— prevent from advancing                        阻碍,妨碍
  No one can hold back the wheel of history.
b. hold + back—— restrain                                     制止,控制(感情)
  She held back her tears with difficulty
c. keep back—— check                                       阻挡,遏制
  I would have been here sooner, but the rainstorm kept me back.
d. set + back——hinder                                       使后退,受挫折
  That crisis set back te entire economy of he capitalist world.
Exercise 17 
1.	My illness has ___ my business for several months; therefore, health is wealth.
2.	When the president arrived, a police line ___ the crowd.
3.	People built banks of earth to ___ the rising water.
4.	The sight of the professor with mismatched shoes was so funny, we could hardly ___our laughter.
添加符号 快捷回复
  • 约等于
  • 小于
  • 大于
  • ÷

  • 求积符号
  • 并符号
  • 交符号
  • 属于
  • 因为
  • 所以
  • 垂直于
  • 平行线符号
  • 弧线
  • 波浪号
  • 全等于
  • 相似于
  • 根号
  • 小于等于
  • 大于等于
  • 不小于号
  • 不大于号
  • 证明号
  • ±

  • 求和符号
  • ×

  • 对数符号
  • 公差符号
  • 斜三角形
  • 对数符
  • 不等于号
  • 小于等于
  • 小于等于
  • 平方米
  • 摄氏度
  • 公斤符号
  • 千分号
  • 百分号
  • 恒等于
  • 立方米
  • 无限大号
  • 圆周
  • 三角形
  • 单价
  • 积分
  • |x|











  • 约等于
  • 小于
  • 大于
  • ÷

  • 求积符号
  • 并符号
  • 交符号
  • 属于
  • 因为
  • 所以
  • 垂直于
  • 平行线符号
  • 弧线
  • 波浪号
  • 全等于
  • 相似于
  • 根号
  • 小于等于
  • 大于等于
  • 不小于号
  • 不大于号
  • 证明号
  • ±

  • 求和符号
  • ×

  • 对数符号
  • 公差符号
  • 斜三角形
  • 对数符
  • 不等于号
  • 小于等于
  • 小于等于
  • 平方米
  • 摄氏度
  • 公斤符号
  • 千分号
  • 百分号
  • 恒等于
  • 立方米
  • 无限大号
  • 圆周
  • 三角形
  • 单价
  • 积分
  • |x|


  • 约等于
  • 小于
  • 大于
  • ÷

  • 求积符号
  • 并符号
  • 交符号
  • 属于
  • 因为
  • 所以
  • 垂直于
  • 平行线符号
  • 弧线
  • 波浪号
  • 全等于
  • 相似于
  • 根号
  • 小于等于
  • 大于等于
  • 不小于号
  • 不大于号
  • 证明号
  • ±

  • 求和符号
  • ×

  • 对数符号
  • 公差符号
  • 斜三角形
  • 对数符
  • 不等于号
  • 小于等于
  • 小于等于
  • 平方米
  • 摄氏度
  • 公斤符号
  • 千分号
  • 百分号
  • 恒等于
  • 立方米
  • 无限大号
  • 圆周
  • 三角形
  • 单价
  • 积分
  • |x|











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